Kahl Family

Friday, December 01, 2006

Florida with Family and Halloween

Here are a few pictures from our Florida vacation with family and Naima's first halloween.. Enjoy

Kahl Family all together...

" Thanks Auntie for blowing up my duck!!"

Having fun with Auntie Bebe and Grandpa

Much love with the Grandparents

Hanging out with Auntie

"Mommy, can I help you unpack"

"I am ready for the beach now"

" Daddy, I love the water"

" Just me and my swan"

"Do not disturb, tanning in progress"

Feeding time with Auntie

Kahl family at halloween..."No more candy for me mommy..."

Our little Kangeroo

Walking and Hang time with Grandpa!!

Enjoy these videos of Naima eating her birthday cake, walking and playing with her Grandpa. She loved to pull pens and money out of his front pockets and in the last video she is digging deep for the cash

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Checkout the Michael Jackson lean back move before she walks

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Notice how she says thankyou after she gets the pens out of his pocket..Then she turns to his sleave to see what she can find in his sleave.

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1 year old and getting around!!

Sorry for the long break from the blog but we moved and everything has been out of commision. Naima is a whole other person now. She has had 2 birthday parties and started walking just before her first birthday. She is like a little person and she keeps changing right before my eyes. She is talking saying words like, "hi, how are you, thankyou( all the time), Ndaguta ( shona for I have had enough food) and offcourse Mama and Daddy". She got to hang out with all her grandparents over the last month or so and moved into a new home. I think she likes it because she has her own room. We miss our dog Zazu, and she often says Doggie when she see a dog. She also has been trick or treating dressed has a Kangaroo. Please forgive the huge batch of pictures but there is so much to cover. Enjoy!!

Playing in the balls at her birth day

With her 2 best friends at her birthday party

"Is this cake all for me mom?"

Groupd pic at Naima's party

PCC palms

Last play date with her good friend Moo

Play time with Grandma and Grandpa in Florida